Игрок | У | С | П | ДК/НО | NET | ЗМ/ОМ | Урон | УПС | Исц | Предметы | ||||
amoralis9 | 4 | 3 | 22 | 26/0 | 6.3K | 403/415 | 12K | 1.2K | 13K |
dijdallax | 9 | 3 | 12 | 133/14 | 11K | 650/606 | 15K | 4.2K | 0 |
otuka | 11 | 2 | 13 | 102/4 | 10K | 631/492 | 18K | 742 | 0 |
Serenada4324423 | 7 | 1 | 16 | 35/8 | 7.2K | 434/460 | 14K | 5.2K | 0 |
waveformn | 7 | 2 | 16 | 27/2 | 6.4K | 419/410 | 9.2K | 240 | 2.5K |
Игрок | У | С | П | ДК/НО | NET | ЗМ/ОМ | Урон | УПС | Исц | Предметы | ||||
ewqqweewqqwe | 3 | 10 | 6 | 14/1 | 2.4K | 268/321 | 9.7K | 0 | 0 |
Melwis | 0 | 8 | 3 | 90/5 | 3.7K | 346/332 | 6.5K | 0 | 70 |
DoMoVoY_999 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 42/2 | 3.5K | 275/240 | 5.3K | 112 | 3.4K |
WhyAmIAliveee | 3 | 9 | 4 | 48/0 | 3.2K | 328/265 | 11K | 0 | 0 |
itpessesmeoff | 1 | 6 | 6 | 11/0 | 2.9K | 210/187 | 9.4K | 20 | 0 |
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
A small gemstone attached to several chains.
A prized relic long thought lost forever in a failed crusade.
The charlatan wizard Myrddin's only true contribution to the arcane arts.
A form of plant originally grown in the garden of a fearful king.
Once a prized heirloom of a minor lord's house.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
A pair of tough-skinned boots that change to meet the demands of the wearer.
The axe of a fallen gnome, it allows you to effectively maneuver the forest.
A blade forged from rare crystals, it seeks weak points in enemy armor.
The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers.
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
A circlet with faint whispers echoing about it.
An enchanted blade that long ago raised a hopeless urchin from pauper to king.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
The bracer is a common choice to toughen up defenses and increase longevity.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Boots that allow the wearer to travel between the ether.
Jewelry that was once used to channel nether realm magic, this ring pulses with energy.
The fabled dagger used by the fastest assassin ever to walk the lands.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
A seemingly ordinary branch, its ironlike qualities are bestowed upon the bearer.
A band that bears effigy of the dark goddess Eloshar's unsleeping eye.
An old bottle that survived the ages, the contents placed inside become enchanted.
The forward charge of the wyvern host grants no quarter.
Precious. And hearty as a weed.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Magi equipped with these boots are valued in battle.
A glowing jewel formed out of assorted parts that somehow fit together perfectly.
A relic that enchants the bodies of those around it for swifter movement in times of crisis.
Clear water that enhances the ability to meditate.
An evergreen sprout treasured by the woodkin and highly coveted by interlopers and their like.
A mask tuned to sip the arcane bindings that pass between caster and foe.
A makeshift charm misplaced by a peace-loving, addlebrained enchanter.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Fleet footwear, increasing movement.
A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user.
A mask commonly used by mages and warlocks for various rituals.
An elegant circlet designed for human princesses.
A form of half-sentient plant, often cultivated by apprentice wizards.
With origins known only to a single wizard, fragments of this impossible crystal are nearly as coveted as the renowned scepter itself.