Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
A pair of tough-skinned boots that change to meet the demands of the wearer.
A wicked weapon, used in torturing political criminals.
A powerful staff used by a master warrior.
The fabled dagger used by the fastest assassin ever to walk the lands.
A legendary pike once held as royal sigil of the ancient wyvern riders.
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
A circlet with faint whispers echoing about it.
The ring of the fallen Warlord Aquila continues to support armies in battle.
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
The bracer is a common choice to toughen up defenses and increase longevity.
The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers.
Polished with the incantation of his final breath, the gift of a dying mage to his sickly son.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Magi equipped with these boots are valued in battle.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
An ingot of chaos suspended in wizard's ether, housed within an arcanist's orb.
A razor-sharp coat of mail, it is the choice of selfless martyrs in combat.
A powerful artifact of mysterious origin, it creates barriers against magical forces.
A cuirass originally built to protect against the dreaded Year Beast.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Boots that allow the wearer to travel between the ether.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
A very fine cloak that plays host to an overly-protective living flame.
A perfectly formed amethyst that nourishes body and mind when held.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Fleet footwear, increasing movement.
A staff of magical powers passed down from the eldest mages.
A form of half-sentient plant, often cultivated by apprentice wizards.
You grow stronger just by holding it.
A life-saving jewel bestowed upon a young queen by a kindly vizier.
At the core of spellcraft are spectrums only the very gifted can sense.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Winged boots that grant omnipresence.
A powerful staff imbued with the strength of giants.
An old bottle that survived the ages, the contents placed inside become enchanted.
An elegant circlet designed for human princesses.
An evergreen amulet of druidic origins.
Preserved through unknown magical means, the Hand of Midas is a weapon of greed, sacrificing animals to line the owner's pockets.
An enchanted blade that long ago raised a hopeless urchin from pauper to king.
A blade forged from rare crystals, it seeks weak points in enemy armor.
A hammer forged for the gods themselves, Maelstrom allows its user to harness the power of lightning.
Advancements in stacking efficiency have made wards easier to carry than ever.
A cloak made of a magical material that works to dispel any magic cast on it.
The headwear of corrupt magi.
The stolen cape of a master illusionist.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
While they increase the longevity of the wearer, this boot is not particularly reliable.
With origins known only to a single wizard, fragments of this impossible crystal are nearly as coveted as the renowned scepter itself.