Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Magi equipped with these boots are valued in battle.
Jewelry that was once used to channel nether realm magic, this ring pulses with energy.
Advancements in stacking efficiency have made wards easier to carry than ever.
The fabled dagger used by the fastest assassin ever to walk the lands.
A seemingly ordinary branch, its ironlike qualities are bestowed upon the bearer.
Former plaything of a young deity, received as a gift from his uncle.
Seepage from the wounds of a warrior deity, sealed in an arcanist's orb following a campaign of vicious slaughter.
The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers.
An old bottle that survived the ages, the contents placed inside become enchanted.
An enchanted blade that allows the user to cut straight into the enemy's soul.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
The ethereal flames from the ever-burning ruins of Kindertree ignite across realities.
The gleaming weapon of a tarnished knight haunted by his duties to an unworthy king.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Boots that allow the wearer to travel between the ether.
The axe of a fallen gnome, it allows you to effectively maneuver the forest.
A ring that feeds on the souls of those who wear it.
A wicked weapon, used in torturing political criminals.
A deceptively swift blade imbued with resonant magic.
Once the favored lash of an infamous broker of pit fighters and other live trade.
The bearer of this mighty axe gains the ability to cut down swaths of enemies at once.
Sange and Yasha, when attuned by the moonlight and used together, become a very powerful combination.
A hammer forged of pure mithril.
A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike.
The Immortal was said to own a shield that protected him from death itself.
An elegant circlet designed for human princesses.
Increases both non-primary attributes.
An astounding plate of ever-replenishing, fortifying fruit.
Ring given as a reward to the greatest mages.
The stolen cape of a master illusionist.
A form of plant originally grown in the garden of a fearful king.
Creates a soothing aura that restores allies in battle.
A cloak made of a magical material that works to dispel any magic cast on it.
A small token imbued with the fortune of the fae in recognition of an intriguing display of mortal kindness.
Bonuses from multiple Wind Laces do not stack.
Hasten to battle on wind-touched heels.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Fleet footwear, increasing movement.
Polished with the incantation of his final breath, the gift of a dying mage to his sickly son.
A perfectly formed amethyst that nourishes body and mind when held.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
While they increase the longevity of the wearer, this boot is not particularly reliable.
A powerful shield that defends its wielder from even the most vicious of attacks.
Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
A pair of tough-skinned boots that change to meet the demands of the wearer.
Preserved through unknown magical means, the Hand of Midas is a weapon of greed, sacrificing animals to line the owner's pockets.
An axe made of reflective materials that causes confusion amongst enemy ranks.
Doubles its bonuses after minute 25.
A circlet with faint whispers echoing about it.
The ring of the fallen Warlord Aquila continues to support armies in battle.
One may hide visage, but never volume.
With origins known only to a single wizard, fragments of this impossible crystal are nearly as coveted as the renowned scepter itself.